Faith Without Limits

Most of us believe that God's promises are true, but how many of us live like they're true? Most of us can't comprehend the fact that Jesus told us greater things would we do, than He did Himself. But neither do we live like His word is true in many other respects. Let me work backwards...

The question I was left with after sharing in much campfire talk on a Friday night is this: why do we limit ourselves? And really by limiting ourselves, we limit our God. It is never tried because it is deemed too hard. By saying we couldn't possibly ever be the one to do that thing- we're saying God couldn't possibly do it. And as sons of God, there's isn't a thing our Father couldn't do for us. Time to walk out our identity. I think the ones that live the incredible lives, the ones who make much of themselves, make much of God. They expect God to show up and they continue to act as if He has.

I think two characteristics are possessed by those of great faith: they love deep and they are obedient(listen to Holy Spirit). A life living out love will be self-sacrificial. Love does and does so for others. If we take the command seriously that Jesus has given us to love one another as He has loved us, then we'll love especially when it's not convienient, especially when it's uncomfortable, all the time, and lives will be changed and drawn to that kind of love. We operate out of love, walking out obedience. And here even the small steps matter (He who is faithful in little will be faithful in much, anyone?). What's funny is that sometimes taking the small steps of obedience can sometimes be the hardest. Like asking someone to pray for you, when you're not sure what they're supposed to pray for, and it just does seem silly. But often those kind of steps are the very first in living out a faith without limits.

Great acts of faith don't happen on accident. Organizations that rehabilitate prostitutes and support 2000 families by micro loans- the same organizations that have a former prostiture, former homeless man, and young people on their board, don't just happen because of great business plans. They happen because someone somewhere said I can do anything I want, because God is on my side. And so love and obedience are walked out. People don't start organizations that house, feed, and educate lowly orphans by themselves, unless of course they've felt God's heart and pray a whole lot, expecting God to show up and make a way.

I want to live expecting God to do much with my life. I want to have faith without limits. I want to live like His promises are true. If there's joy in His presence, then joy is mine. If He increases the power of the weak, then strength is mine. If He meets all my needs,  then provision is mine. If I ask believing and He gives, then answered prayer is mine. All these are promises of God, and I get to claim each one. And if I lived like these were true, much would ensue. We were made to bear the image of God. Made to bear His Image. And I believe each one of us can do that in a different way than perhaps the next person could. But what if we lived each day not only living as if these promises were true- in our lives-  if we lived realizing that in everything, we reflect the Character of God? If God's character is reflected in us, then I believe the opposite is true. Can others see God in all you do? Do we live as if that's true? God knows no limits. I don't think your faith, or life need to either.


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