First Have Humility
Humility is a desired character. We could all say that without much disagreement, but it occurred to me that most of us hold a slightly different definition of what humility, or being humble, looks like. But if it's a big deal to God, shouldn't it be a big deal to me as well? It is said in Matthew 5, "Blessed are the gentle(or humble, or meek), for they shall inherit the earth." Say whattt. I'm a big fan of definitions and while looking up those three words that have been translated as one here, I found a common synonym amongst all of them: submissive. And I like that. When we are in submission to Holy Spirit's leading in our lives, it gives us the ability to be humble. Our focus can't be on ourselves, if our focus is intently focused on God; His desires, love, action, kindness, thoughts, selfless giving, not in it to prove ourselves, but improve our fellow man.
If we are looking to Jesus as our main example. I believe He was truly humble. He was gentle. I always go back to the wise words of my youth pastor on gentleness. "Gentleness is applying just enough force to get the job done." That's gentleness. As to opposing views, it is NOT weakness. Meekness also should be seen as strength under control.
It is a dying to self. But Christ lives in me. He opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Pride and humility cannot coexist. To know and live knowing, "where one is fostered, the other is defeated." I don't want to passively choose either. And I want a God-glorifying life; I don't want to miss out because whatever humility isn't got in the way.
If we are the opposite of humble, it looks like tearing apart relationships. It looks like only looking to your needs, your desires, being right, not admitting fault. At all cost self must be protected. In contrast to that, God says, “But to this one I will look, to him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word." This speaks of one who has conscience to say none of this is from me, I won't take what I am or possess for granted- I am aware of who I am before a Holy God and He has made me who I am. In my giftings and abilities, I will be able to take a compliment. And I will be able to take those gifting and abilities and look outward.
In the past I've spent a few summers working at a camp for special needs youth and their families. During those seasons I learned a lot, but Philippians 2 was always the focus of each week. Having the attitude of Jesus and looking not to our own interests, but to the interests of others. And that focus never got old because I needed it literally everyday. This was not about me, I was here to serve, to love, and to continue to pour out, expecting nothing in return. But this shouldn't be our focus for a few weeks of summer camp. To have brotherly love, to work together as a team, to be blessed, to live a life pleasing and acceptable to Jesus we must first have humility.
Without humility, we won't be teachable. If we aren't teachable, we won't learn. If we can't learn, we won't grow. If we don't grow, we won't be fruitful. If we're unfruitful, we definitely won't reproduce. And then it starts to make sense that we won't be inheriting the earth any time soon if that's the case. God gave us a command to go, but that would be utterly futile without first realizing our need to be humble.
“True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is tthinking of yourself less."
"I am persuaded that love and humility are the highest attainments in the school of Christ and the brightest evidences that He is indeed our Master."
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