My Heart's Condition-

    If only it was that simple. If I was able to go to the doctor and tell him about the lowness of my soul and heart, and him to respond with my hearts condition. Or maybe it is....
   I was down, low, life had been robbed of its joy. But, I hadn't been robbed. I had granted permission, without even knowing it. I did not know that 'an anxious heart weighs a man down'(Proverbs 12:25). I get caught up in things I have to do, places I have to go, and deadlines. The anxiety comes because I hardly have time for everything. Don't I know that I need not be anxious about anything? While reading from the fifteenth proverb, that the wisest earthly father wrote to his son, I was trying to listen to my loving heavenly Father who gives wisdom just because we ask. I came upon Proverbs 15:15, "All the days of the afflicted are bad, but a cheerful heart has a continual feast." But how does one change their heart so that they may feast upon joy? 'Where your treasure is, there you heart will be also.' This is not hidden treasure, we're not playing 'pirates'. We know where this treasure is. And if we're seeking after our Treasure, even above rubies and gold--the day to day things in our lives that are important and need to be done-- we can find our heart there too.
   In  Prov. 15:13 it says, "A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, but when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken." I find it strange that what's inside, the condition of our heart, will show outside. But isn't that true? When the body isn't healthy inside, you usually can tell because of what it looks like on the outside? I do want to be healthy. I want to permeate with cheerfulness. Isn't that what we would all desire?


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