Kingdom Keys
I feel like I'm coming out of a season of just living loved. Walking in love. Just being so loved by God and letting that be all that it's about. Taking that, and then stepping into a season of power and authority. I love that Jesus loves to love us. I also love that that when we come to Him from that place, that there is so much that He wants to do with us. When we know who God is, who we are(what we're becoming), and step into what Jesus says He wants to do with us, we rip the roofs right off our boxes and are given the keys of the kingdom. The keys to the kingdom!
I wrote this for the 6 high school girls I had the honor of cabin leading last week:
Jesus tells you who you are
Abraham, Sarah, peter, and more
He pours Himself out and says
You, I adore
He's made up His mind
Wants to work in your life
He is patient and kind
But needs you to leave all else behind
With only two words preceding
It leaves no doubt to His meaning
He sees what your becoming
Doesn't need your pretending
A warrior embraces what a Jesus says
You are
You are--
You are Brave
You are Free
You are Whole and complete
You are Royalty
And a Daughter of Me
You are Mine
In your boxes not meant to be confined
He gives you His keys
And says come on in please
Bringing heaven to earth
This is our turf
We'll fight for each other
And it starts with
Loving one another
You are transformed
No longer conformed
You are world changers
And will overcome dangers
I can't wait to hear your story
Because you are His army and glory
You'll raise a battle shout
'Cause that's what you're about
In Matthew 16, Jesus is talking with His disciples about who people say He is, and then He gets more personal, as Jesus has a way of doing, and pointedly asks Peter, "Who do you say that I am?" And I could tell you the whole story, but really you should just go read it in your own Bible. But this is just getting good. He follows it up just a few sentences later by telling Peter who he is and what he's becoming. He states YOU-ARE-PETER, followed by what He wants to do with him.
Jesus tells Peter who he is. He defines him, gives some super strong statements and audacious desires. Now, there are things that we believe about ourselves. And I would bet that some of that is grounded in some truth. Maybe truth because we've made them to be true. Maybe truth because we believe them to be true. Maybe truth because in our life experience it has turned out that way; but is it the truest thing about us? Jesus speaks up and tells Peter the truest things about him, and He can do that because He sees who Peter is becoming.
I don't think that it's any coincidence that it is in this passage that Jesus gives Peter the Keys of the Kingdom. We must know who God is, know who He says we are, believe what He says we're becoming, and then -and only then- can we really handle the keys of the kingdom. Recently I heard a speaker say that a warrior must know their identity: that they are loved by God. If we want to be given the keys of the kingdom, we must also know our identity. Our identity must start by knowing we are loved by God, but it just keeps growing.
We are given power to usher in life and light. We get to bring heaven to earth and bring along people of earth to heaven. But we can't fight for others, unless we know how to fight for ourselves. We are gate keepers. We get to use our identity, our gifts, our worship, our knowledge, our prayers, our service, and open up the door for others to do the same. Seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened. And Jesus gives us the keys. And I just can't wrap my head around it!
People don't give you the keys to their house unless there's some trust and they expect you to use it. He's giving an open invitation and gives you all the power and authority to go with it. Love is followed by power and authority. What you do flows out of who you are- or what you do flows out of the truths -or lies- about who you are. The Keys of the kingdom are yours. You. Are. His. And so much more. Seek out who Jesus says you are. Open doors. Usher it all in. It starts here.
I wrote this for the 6 high school girls I had the honor of cabin leading last week:
Jesus tells you who you are
Abraham, Sarah, peter, and more
He pours Himself out and says
You, I adore
He's made up His mind
Wants to work in your life
He is patient and kind
But needs you to leave all else behind
With only two words preceding
It leaves no doubt to His meaning
He sees what your becoming
Doesn't need your pretending
A warrior embraces what a Jesus says
You are
You are--
You are Brave
You are Free
You are Whole and complete
You are Royalty
And a Daughter of Me
You are Mine
In your boxes not meant to be confined
He gives you His keys
And says come on in please
Bringing heaven to earth
This is our turf
We'll fight for each other
And it starts with
Loving one another
You are transformed
No longer conformed
You are world changers
And will overcome dangers
I can't wait to hear your story
Because you are His army and glory
You'll raise a battle shout
'Cause that's what you're about
😆 wow!!!