Redeem the Year
"Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."
Ephesians 5:16
Here's to the next year that's quickly approaching. It's no surprise that most of us have too much to do and not enough time to do it; at times it shows a productive life, but more often than not, we've given into a system that we feel needs to resemble that of everyone else. Just as common, it is also not a surprise that we also have endless distractions and time wasters in our lives, that somehow we lend the time to in our too busy- struggling to keep up- daily life. But we do it. And keep doing it. I realized something crazy. We don't know how to be bored anymore. Now, anyone knows that boredom is not exactly a great position to be in, but, we literally have given over to our brain's ever-constant need for stimulus that we simply find something to keep our focus at the hint of boredom.
I remembered a trip that I took to Nicaragua almost two years ago: there's several factors that lent to it being one of the most formative seasons of Jesus and I's relationship, but one of those factors was simply that I didn't always have a lot of options when I had small amounts of down time; which meant that I read my Bible a lot, prayed a lot, took some time to invest in people, read my Bible some more, on repeat...with an occasional nap. When there was time, I spent it doing something fulfilling, or at least worth while. I wasn't being distracted from the greater good, I wasn't finding some mind-numbing activity to do until the next activity. I was hunkering down and had intention to spend my time meaningfully, and I wasn't afraid of having 'nothing to do'. Of course there's numerous reasons why that worked so well. But mind you, it worked.
I just have a feeling that maybe my daily life could resemble that a little bit more. I definitely don't have as much down time in my juggling practically 3 jobs and doing the laundry that I haven't done in two weeks, and finally returning that call, and...but...I'm tired, friends. I've come to the point where I'm so done. I'm taking back my time. I'm freeing this season from what could be detrimental. I'm ready to restore the ways that I waste my time. I'm ready to turn it around for good, offset the bad effects. And no, I'm not talking about running from responsibility. I'm talking about the moments (for which there are many) that I have given over my life to wasted episodes that could be spent so much more profitably. I'm not here to be another echo in a world of social media slamming or anything of that sort. I'm here to be a voice that's saying my time is mine and mine alone, and I am and have been the one who decides what I do with it. Boy, would I have liked to have redeemed a lot of hours I've wasted doing a whole lot of nothing. Even if I was doing nothing, couldn't there have been SOMETHING.
I'm okay with having five minutes that God forbid I have nothing to do and don't have to look at a reel of pictures I've already looked at today another five times already. Who knows the amounts of thinking, or praying, or letter writing, or grandma calling, or piano playing, or studying that might happen if I let myself take advantage of the times, however seemingly insignificant, and used it for good. There's a cheesy quote that says something to the effect that life is not made up of hours, days, or even months, but by moments. I really am beginning to believe it's true.
They also always say people get to the end of their life and wish they would have spent their life differently. Maybe I could get to the end of this year and think, ya know, I spent my time, maybe just even my extra time, alright. In the right places. I'm out to redeem this year. I'm buying it back, now. In choosing how I spend it. Making the most of every opportunity, even just the few minutes here and there that really add up. Yesterday, I read someone else explain it that time is one of those talents that God gave us, and it can be misspent often. How quick we are to give it away.
I don't want to ignore the last part of the verse that started this whole post off. If the days are evil, they can be in the power of someone else. Are we willing to part with our pleasure for gain? It's as simple as doing something instead of nothing. I want this year to be redeemed and bought up in the little moments that could end up being worth what I could have afforded. I want my days to be filled with Holy Spirit power, answered prayers, love given, Jesus' heart felt, my mind filled with knowledge, and deeper intimacy. I'll start here. With this year.
Every year I choose a new word for the coming year. For 2020, the word is redeem. You should probably go read the whole of the definition here. I'm out to redeem the year. Take it back from being stolen, to turn it around for good, to take something that would be as good as gone, and make it filled with purpose and intention. As God chose to redeem us, saw who we truly were, but wanted the best anyway; came down to lift us up, I want to redeem the moments, and thus redeem the year for His glory. That is what our life is made of.
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