Have you ever thought about the fact that God doesn't always see you for what you are now, but who you will become? He did that often throughout the Bible. He was always giving people new names, and excited with them for things they would do. He too sees you for who you can become. In fact, He made you with that purpose in mind. Sometime the things that we are able to do can be good, but let us focus on what we were made to do. What are some of the things you have passion for? What has God given you a delight for? Whatever seems like the call you've been called to do, DO LOTS OF THAT. What am I made to do? If  we be who Jesus made us to be, if we live into that, it'll change everything. While we search out that, we need to be not afraid. In our lives, at one point or another, I'm sure we've been told to 'not have any expectations'. This is crazy talk. Dismiss this now. We need to expect great things from God! You need to expect that Jesus is going to do great things through you! Sometimes that will require that you make a little room. 
     You know? Sometimes our problem isn't that our-emphasis on our- plans don't work, it's that they do. That's why we get puny little returns. God can use the foolish things to confound the wise. So that when we boast, we boast in Jesus Christ. 
     The last little while, I have been trying to live in a way that God made me to be, to expect great things, and in that, be not afraid. It's an exciting and joy-filled way to live. I have not attained perfection, nor will I ever(on this earth), but that is what I am reaching toward. Wanna join me? 

 Many of these things I had already been trying to work through, but recently I also listened to the following sermon, and it really connected with what I was trying to put into words. I have used some of his exact words or lines in this post, so if you want to hear a good sermon listen in here:



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