Thanksgiving. The giving of thanks. Full of grace. Writing about being thankful comes easy in the month of November. I mean, we've just had a day devoted to being thankful! Ate such good food, were around friends and family, and didn't get enough sleep--so much to be thankful for! And I truly am. But thankfulness is more than that to me. Thankfulness changes your attitude, your outlook on life, gives joy-because joy comes from thankfulness-it helps us see beauty around us, and and brings us out of the mundane, stressful, and depressing, into glorious light! I have come from weeks where all I did was watch the clock, just waiting for the day to end, just waiting until I could crawl into bed, and sleep. When one lives just constantly waiting for the day to close, that stealthily steals away thankfulness. And when you continue to live like that, life becomes unpleasant. Then that day came, something shifted. I noticed what I had been doing, and desperately wanted more than that. I started noticing(at least trying to)the little things, I was constantly looking for beauty. In the clouds, in the little silly moments, in the trees, and wool socks, . I became enraptured by everything that God has given. I started praying for a heart of thankfulness. I knew it was part of the answer. And God gives when we seek. I started writing them down. A few-or several, or lots....thankfulness totally changes a person. And it's not something to do or think upon 1 day out 365. Turn your hearts to thanks-giving, and seek to do so every day in between. I am thankful for you today. As He rejoices over you, rejoice in Him!
"I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders." ~Psalm 9:1
"The Lord your God is in your midst,A victorious warrior.He will exult over you with joy,He will be quiet in His love,He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy."~Zephaniah 3:17
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