You might be a girl/single/living alone and are amazed you're still alive if...
Now, I haven't yet written a post merely for the sake of almost humor. So here goes. A first for everything, I thought it might be about time for you to get a little chuckle, or maybe you can resonate just a little if life finds you in the same hysterical place.
You might be a girl/single/living alone and are amazed you're still alive if....
You might be a girl/single/living alone and are amazed you're still alive if....
- You've nearly super glued your fingers together.
- You've gone back and forth over the length of a wall and can not find that stud.
- You've given up hope finding said stud, and implemented another perfectly good plan.
- You stick to nails because you can't find the drill bits, or how to charge the drill...or wouldn't know how to take off the bit if you could find them.
- You discover there are so many different parts to the workings of your house. Like cleaning the heat exchange on the furnace, clearing out the sewer pipe, shutting off the water to your house, or just the hot water...and if done incorrectly you won't get hot water unless you relight the hot water heater...
- Every time there's an event thrown at your house where guys will be present, you can't help but think, "Hmm, what was that project I needed done around here?"
- You've changed a perfectly good dinner plan in the preparation stage. Because you can't get the lid off the jar.
- You've called or texted a brother or other knowledgeable guy just for the purpose of asking, "So lets say that I would you...." Or a personal favorite of mine, "is it a problem if..."
- Or even better, you've asked, "What are you up to, tonight?"
- YouTube has become your best friend. Seriously. I had no idea that people made videos about how to....
- You have regrets that when "I need a boy!" was shouted throughout the house while growing up you didn't pay more attention. Because now you say, "I nee...". Doh.
- You've resorted to wandering up and down aisles, because you've realized that you have no idea what you're actually look for. And wouldn't want to look too much like a girl trying to explain it.
- Other girls are rather shocked by your knowledge base on certain subjects, but you would rather not go into detail as to why you would know such things.
- You're life never ceases to amaze you, you've even prayed,"Lord, could you give me just one boring week?" :)
Stay tuned folks, I'm sure there's many more to come!
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