Truth is Birthed
Once you are aware and informed, you are no longer uninformed. I think that you are held accountable in one way or another. I have just finished my first week of midwifery classes here in Alaska. It has been incredible, it has been fun, it has been hard, it has just begun to be a little bit of work. I've purposed to be open and honest, otherwise my words are meaningless. There hasn't been a day of classes that I haven't cried yet. Sometimes I don't even know why, sometimes hurting because women around the world are hurting, sometimes just from pure excitement from the task that God has given us.
Did you know that 1,400 women die each day giving birth? That's ONE A MINUTE.
That's 358,000 women a year will die from pregnancy related complications, and 355, 000 of those in the developing world.
Did you know that most of these deaths are preventable?
Did you know that 200,000 babies die on the day they are born?
The enemy takes our God-given blessing and distorts it, kills, steals it from us.
Did you also know that mother and baby have a symbiotic relationship during birth?
That it can actually be the baby that triggers labor? -Because the lungs are the last thing to develop, when they are fully developed, they spill a protein which reaches the uterus and starts the woman's body to begin labor.
Did you know that the same is true during labor? When a baby is stressed during labor it can also release a hormone to space out contractions.
Did you know that the mother's chest will naturally regulate it's temperature to meet the baby's needs for warmth?
There are many more facts like these that are waiting to be known, and I can't wait to be the one to declare them. Birth is beautiful. Life is beautiful. It is normal and God-designed. Birth itself declares God's glory and God knew that it would. Part of my first assignment was to look up Bible verses on birth, midwifery, labor, etc. I never know how much birth was at the very heart of God until then. Birth gives some of the very best pictures of His love, and makes for some great analogies. Birth is first spiritual before it is physical.
Birth is a picture of the cross. A laying down, a sacrificing of yourself, so that another may live.
That as a midwife, they get to come along side, walk with, touch. Is that not what Jesus did? The word midwife means with woman. And we get to stand alongside life itself. Birth will be one of the most intimate moments of a woman's life, and that's where another could meet her in that, just like God meets us there. There is nothing hidden, and they will remember how they were treated for the rest of their lives in those moments.
One of the things that made me most excited this week was that midwives get to be the very first ones to touch a child that enters the world, our teacher said she always makes it a point to try to be one of the first, because she gets to claim that baby for Jesus. She can literally be the first in the process of breaking down strongholds. And that's Lord willing I pray what I get to do someday. Claim the baby, break the strongholds.
Truth is vitally important. We need to know truth so that we are not deceived, we need to know truth so that we make informed decisions. Truth is key. And I want to always seek truth out, in the West we have been blinded, in the developing world they may not have access to truth. Truth is freedom. I feel that God has called me to be a declarer of truth. An unveiler, one to who turns over, uncovers. And once you know truth, you should be moved to action. You now know something you didn't know before, and that should change something within.
I had to ask Jesus what He wanted me to do with all this information- and thus why you have this post. I have to ask you, what are you going to do with the information He imparts?
Also, if you want to support a midwife, I could get you contact information on those already out in some of the neediest parts of the world, or even student midwives that are just beginning the journey...
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