If I had to pick one of my favorite Bible Characters(besides Jesus, of course), it would have to be Peter. Okay, so he's a bit impulsive, and has done a couple stupid things, but who else did Jesus call a rock(literal translation is "stone"-God was going to build His church on this guy!)? He was so full of love, and passion, he even dared to rebuke Jesus. "God forbid it, Lord! This shall never happen to You.” I'm sure THE most regretful moment in Peter's life would have to have been the moment that Jesus and him made eye contact after having heard a rooster crow for the third time. 
  So, there's a quite a mix. Some good, some bad. But, I don't think you'll  find too many men as fired up for God. My favorite thing about Peter, you may ask? No matter where he is, he's sooo eager to get to Christ. He's walked on water, just so he could come to Jesus, He's dived into the sea and took a swim. He could have waited just a few minutes to get to shore, but noo. There's no stopping Peter's love, devotion, and passion. All he desires is to be close to Jesus. To walk with Him, to talk with Him, to learn from Him, and most of all, to have a deep friendship with Him. You can just feel Peter's joy and enthusiasm.  
  He lived a life, and he was ready to lay it all down-he told Jesus that- for the person he loved the most. Though at times he was gripped with fear, God used him regardless. Others saw it. 
  "Now as they observed the confidence of Peter and John and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus."  
  Does my life speak Jesus, do people see Him when observing me? Do I desire to be close to Jesus, no matter what? I love you Creator. With all of who I am. I want to run to you, I want to fall at your feet, I want to be so full of zeal that you may just have to calm me down sometimes. I want to be Peter. Will you to teach me? 


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