Alaska Bound: following God’s leading into a beautiful, exciting adventure!

Hello friends! I am here to tell you what I’m doing this summer! So, here goes:
            It all started with a dream that a girl had ever since she was young, and unbeknownst to her, God had plans to use that dream and teach her a thing or two along the way. That dream was Alaska. The girl? Me! I was excited for this summer because I had originally planned to work at a lodge in Alaska to accomplish two goals: Go to Alaska! And make some money to pay for school. Needless to say, I was confused and frustrated when nothing was falling into place. I asked God for answers. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do and summer was approaching. Well, my Creator is pretty great, and the next day He sent a fairly significant amount of money to cover the balance for this past spring term at school. I felt Him gently saying, “Hey, leave the money to me. I got it.” Okay, I’ll serve with my summer, I can do that!  Next, I had to decide where. I was given some time to think over that weekend and little time to whine to God. “I’m super excited to do ministry this summer; nonetheless, I’m still kinda bummed that I’m not going to Alaska. This is the only summer that I could really see it happening, but ok. I’m sure it will happen someday….” Then, the thought that would change all of that: I could do ministry in Alaska this summer!!!  How awesome would that be??!  You should just be glad you weren’t stuck in the car with me for another several hours. My friends probably thought I had gone crazy. So maybe I was just a little excited. J Since I have done ministry with CEF(Child Evangelism Fellowship) before, that was the first thing that came to mind. I borrowed my friend’s phone and took a look at CEF of Alaska’s website. I was sold, and soon after that I wrote them an e-mail-probably the most random e-mail they have ever received. “Hello! I’m Hannah. I’m from Oregon. Would you have a place for me?” Oh, dear. They replied and told me that they indeed did have some staffing needs. That is where I’m at. This June I’m headed to Alaska for a summer of grand adventure! An Adventure that only God could have planned this well. I won’t be in just one place; I will be going all over Alaska. After it’s all said and done, I will probably have the opportunity to be in 7-10 different towns and villages this summer staffing, training, and coaching at CYIA(Christian Youth in Action) training camps, more training and counseling at a couple Bible camps, and what I’m really looking forward to- village trips! We will be flying into a few remote villages and presenting the gospel to children and people there.
            Would you please join with me in prayer? I am extremely blessed to have each of your friendships. I can boldly go because I do not go alone. My Creator and your prayers can go with me every step of the way. Prayer changes things. Your prayers can make things happen that would otherwise happen if you did not pray. Will you be a part of what God wants to do in Alaska this summer?
Here are just a few general things to pray for me as I go:
·         Provision as I fundraise- I will be paying for tickets to get to Alaska and gas for driving and flying around in Alaska.
·         That relationships will be built quickly with those whom I will be serving with- none of which I have ever met.
·         For Strength, rest, and joy as I serve. Most of the camps and outreaches will be back-to-back. That means almost 9 weeks of non-stop activity!
·         That I will be an excellent and creative teacher and counselor as I seek to be an example and show the love of Christ.
·         Boldness, wisdom, and the right words at the right time to all I come into contact with.
·         Against the enemy. That he would not have a foothold in any of our activities, he would not create divisions amongst us, and we would go out fearless.

Thank you for living life with me! May your Creator fill you up with all joy, hope, and bring about many great things in your life as you seek His will! Love you all!
-hannaH Swan


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